Individual ADHD and/or Executive Functioning Skills Support

Executive functioning limitations can result in tremendous challenges in school, work, and home situations with little understanding from these environments the reason behind situations being challenging. Executive functioning skill development targets high-order cognitive (brain) processes. In short, executive functioning skills help regulate attention to task, plan future-oriented and goal-directed behavior. Guiding Behavior Counseling, PLLC supports adults in understanding their executive functioning profile (strengths and barriers) and building meaningful skills. The skills and goals that can be focused on within executive functioning skill building can include:

  • Increasing attention to a task and time management

  • Starting and/or finishing projects or tasks

  • Reducing impulsivity and increasing safety awareness

  • Reducing burnout by:

    • learning prioritization,

    • assertive communication, and

    • building systems and routines

  • Increasing flexibility and openness to new ideas

  • Organizing large amounts of information and creating a system

  • Breaking down tasks into shorter-term goals

  • Increasing self-awareness to tasks and interactions with other

  • Increasing problem-solving abilities

  • Building important daily routines to support increased productivity

  • Increasing communication and listening skills

  • Self monitoring and increasing awareness to one’s own behavior

Throughout the behavior support process, we also utilize the principles and skills of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT was developed to help guide individuals and families to reduce the struggle with challenging thoughts and feelings, bring clarity to one’s values, and commit to actions that align to one’s values. ACT can support an expansion in perspective so challenging thoughts and feelings feel lighter and are less of a barrier to living a fulfilling life, and more actions are aligned to a fulfilling and meaningful life. Our behavior support model incorporating ACT supports individuals in utilizing mindfulness skills, increasing nonjudgmental awareness, and aligning one’s actions to one’s own individual value system.

We also utilize executive functioning protocols (such as the curriculum Seeing My Time) to help develop specific executive functioning skills related to organizing, time management, prioritizing, and specific skill development.

Individual behavior support is ideal for those struggling with academic/work tasks, organization/planning, starting important tasks, following through on tasks, time management, increasing flexibility/perspective-taking, and increasing productive conversation skills. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst will work one on one with each individual client to help develop an action plan focusing on building specific executive functioning skills. We specialize in supporting the unique executive functioning profile of adults diagnosed with ADHD and high-functioning Autism.


Group Skills Support


Parenting Skills Support