Group Skills Support

The adult executive functioning skills groups will support in building executive functioning skills to create and achieve goals. Each week we will focus on an area of executive function (such as planning, organization, starting tasks, following through, monitoring one's own progress, etc), how to structure a plan so that we see results in the specific area of life that we want to focus, and create and track goals. Daily individual and group accountability support will be provided along the way. Individuals located in CT and IL are able to attend virtually. 

The 8-week parent support group will support in building a concrete organizational plan for children ages 7-13 years old. This group utilizes the organizational plan outlined in The Organized Child, a book by Richard Gallagher, PhD, Elana G. Spira, PhD, and Jennifer L. Rosenblatt, PhD. Daily individual and group accountability support will be provided along the way. Individuals located in CT and IL are able to attend virtually. 

All individuals interested in these groups can directly contact for questions and enrolling. 


Individual ADHD and/or Executive Functioning Skills Support